What does inspiring really mean? Many people have heard the term many times but have no idea what it means. Inspirational is used to describe the emotion and feeling that come from taking actions that can bring about changes in a person. The best definition of inspiring comes from Merriam Webster’s dictionary: “to excite or stimulate; cause to move.” This definition is used on many websites, in books and on newspaper and radio articles.
The most common Meaning of inspiring is used as an adjective meaning joy and hope. However, there are other ways of looking at the meaning. Inspirational means making a person feel great. Other inspiring adjectives or words are often associated with more positive thoughts including hope, life and even joy.
A more detailed explanation is that the feeling of inspiration comes from within. There is an ongoing process of self-improvement that happens along with releasing negative emotions. Many feel that inspiring an individual is very difficult because one must be positive and patient with themselves. People who suffer from depression, anxiety or low self-esteem can find it very hard to motivate themselves and so others will not be inspired at all.
The second most common meaning of inspiring is to do something for a person. Everyone likes to be motivated, and the act of doing something for someone inspires the person to want to do it even more. In this way, the opposite of inspiring is not actually being motivated. Some people like to help others but are not inspired to do so.
The third most common meaning of inspiring is to overcome a setback or adversity. For example, if someone is being held back by a lack of confidence, the person might hear the words inspiring words. If they were to look at their situation objectively, they would see that they are in control of the situation and so the words inspiring mean exactly what they sound like. It is up to the individual to use their own creativity to overcome the problem and become the successful person that they want to be.
There are some adjectives that inspire people more than others. The most inspiring words in the English language are motivation, adversity, triumph, persistence, success and persistence. These are just as likely to describe the situation as the individual, as they are those which describe the individual as a person. It doesn’t really matter what other adjectives are used, the idea is that the person must be able to overcome what they have been overcome with in order for the inspirational message to be truly effective.
Motivational words describe an action. A person is inspired when they are doing something that makes them feel good. The motivating words describe an end result or an outcome that is desired. Adjectives like succeeding, becoming, achievement, victory, or happiness all describe individuals accomplishments and not outcomes. In a sentence like this, the first word “advancement” describes the end result, while words like becoming, succeeding, or achievement describe how the individual came by the advancement.
It is easy for a speaker to give inspiring words. But to find the ones that truly resonate with you and bring out the true meaning of inspiration takes a bit of reflection and pondering. Sometimes just looking at the situation and saying the words “I’m inspiring” isn’t enough to help the speaker get it. They need to be able to explain why it’s motivating them, what it means, why it is a good thing, and why it is going to happen.
The motivational speaker can use lots of creative ways to describe the goal, event, situation, or person they are speaking about. But for most people it’s really just a matter of describing what inspires them. For example, if a young lady is given the task of working her way through medical school, she should be inspired by the fact that she will become a doctor. It doesn’t even have to be a physical event; it can be an educational or volunteer event.
Sometimes people inspire themselves by talking about their past experiences and accomplishments. They could say something like “After being a stay at home mom for eleven years, I thought I would try my hand at becoming a nurse” This accomplishes two things it gives an audience something to identify with, and it gives her a chance to describe her past experiences in detail that she can relate to. Sometimes it helps to add a personal element, like saying that she felt inspired to do her very best at college, because she saw her son graduate when she was in her last year of law school. The crowd will connect with this story and begin to feel personally connected to her goal.
The last two examples are a little outside the box. In the first example, maybe the speaker has an underlying belief or motivation that comes from traveling, so the words she utters may inspire people to take a trip across the country or to another part of the world. If that’s the case, then what does inspiring mean? It’s finding a way to translate your motivating words into action.